notloB News, feBruary 2011
Since June 2, 2007, notloB Folk Concerts has presented local and touring old-time, blue/newgrass, traditional folk, Celtic and blues artists to audiences throughout the greater Boston area. Our current venues are the historic Loring-Greenough House (built in 1760, 40+ seats, unplugged) in Jamaica Plain and 175 seat Unity in Somerville. The concerts are volunteer run and not for profit. 100% of the patron donations go to the artists and production expenses.
"The concerts always have a warm atmosphere and are fun to play. From a musician's perspective, I really appreciate the effort Jeff puts into his shows. Nobody on the Boston folk scene works harder to pull a concert together."
~ Alastair Moock
"In this era of pop-driven acoustic music, notloB is keeping the folk tradition alive."
~ Jack Hardy
In this edition
- Thank you for supporting live music
- Upcoming concerts
- Festival recommendation
- Dinner and a show
- Volunteering
- Turn your radio on!
- Housekeeping
notloB Folk Concerts is unique in the greater Boston area in terms of the model (admission is by suggested donation, all proceeds, less production costs, go to the artists. The series would not be possible without the support of our loyal patrons. So why not share the news? Bring a friend or two or three to an upcoming concert!
Julie Metcalf & Andy Reiner
Loring-Greenough House, 12 South Street, Jamaica Plain
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Kimberly Fraser, Brian Conway & Mark Simos
http://www.kimberleyfraser.com , http://www.brianconway.com , http://www.devachan.com
Unity, 6 William Street, Somerville
Friday, February 17, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Katie McNally & Eric McDonald
Loring-Greenough House, 12 South Street, Jamaica Plain
March 2, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Loring-Greenough House, 12 South Street, Jamaica Plain
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Kimberly Fraser, Brian Conway & Mark Simos
Unity, 6 William Street, Somerville
Friday, February 17, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Katie McNally & Eric McDonald
Loring-Greenough House, 12 South Street, Jamaica Plain
March 2, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
See the website for artist biographies and full details.
Like notloB Folk Concerts, the Boston Bluegrass Union-produced Joe Val Bluegrass Festival is volunteer run. This year is the festival’s 27th!
February 17-19, 2012
Sheraton Framingham
Framingham, MA
Blue Highway (Sun)
Michael Cleveland and FlameKeeper (Sat)
The Whites (Sat)
Special Consensus (Sat)
Sierra Hull and Highway 111 (Fri)
Steep Canyon Rangers (Fri)
The Claire Lynch Band (Sat)
The Spinney Brothers (Fri)
Bill Keith and Jim Rooney Reunion
Berklee Bluegrass All-Stars (Fri)
Joe Sings Joe (Fri)
Flatt Lonesome (Sun)
Bluegrass Gospel Project (Sun)
Amy Gallatin and Stillwaters (Sat)
The Reunion Band (Sat)
Della Mae (Sun)
Evergreen (Sat)
Sheraton Framingham
Framingham, MA
Blue Highway (Sun)
Michael Cleveland and FlameKeeper (Sat)
The Whites (Sat)
Special Consensus (Sat)
Sierra Hull and Highway 111 (Fri)
Steep Canyon Rangers (Fri)
The Claire Lynch Band (Sat)
The Spinney Brothers (Fri)
Bill Keith and Jim Rooney Reunion
Berklee Bluegrass All-Stars (Fri)
Joe Sings Joe (Fri)
Flatt Lonesome (Sun)
Bluegrass Gospel Project (Sun)
Amy Gallatin and Stillwaters (Sat)
The Reunion Band (Sat)
Della Mae (Sun)
Evergreen (Sat)
We hope to see you there!
4. DINNER AND A SHOW. Somerville concert patrons can save 10% when dining at the House of Tibet Kitchen, 235 Holland Street, 617-629-7567 (in nearby Teele Square). Simply make a concert reservation, print and bring your confirmation email and show it to restaurant staff. Please tip at the pre-discount rate. Before being seated please identify yourself to the staff as attending the “notloB concert”.
At the Loring Greenough House ~ publicity, hospitality and set-up/take-down.
At Unity ~ admission table, merchandise, hospitality & lighting.
At all venues ~ publicity & flyer/handbill duplication and distribution.
If you are interested, please read the volunteer policy and apply via email to notloBreservations@gmail.com
notloB’s Jeff Boudreau co-hosts and produces “In the Tradition”, every otherTuesday, 7-9pm, WCUW-fm, broadcasting at 91.3fm and streaming at http://www.wcuw.org.
Facebook fan page - http://www.facebook.com/InTheTradition
Upcoming radio guest schedule:
February 7 ~ Joe Val Bluegrass Festival Special w/ phone guests Claire Lynch, Darol Anger and Amy Gallatin.
February 7 ~ Joe Val Bluegrass Festival Special w/ phone guests Claire Lynch, Darol Anger and Amy Gallatin.
February 21 ~ Bleeding Hearts, with in-studio guest Marylou Ferrante
7. Housekeeping. notloB Folk Concerts’ past artists include the Spider John Koerner, the Sacred Shakers, The Folk Brothers (David Massengill and the late Jack Hardy), Peggy Seeger, Geoff Bartley, Mary McCaslin, Bob Franke, The Rowan Brothers, The Ungar Family Band, Aoife O’Donovan, Kristin Andraessen, Mike and Ruthy Ungar Merenda, Sometymes Why, Pat Wictor, Jud Caswell, Dennis Brennan and many others. Concerts in your own home, as was done for the Bowman and Matt Brown, can be arranged.
Reservations / information. Sending a reservation request is appreciated. It also helps as we can contact you when the occasional concert must be canceled due to severe weather. Please send an email to notlobreservations at gmail dot com at least 24 hours prior to the concert. Information about the concert series, the venues and the artists can be found at the website.
Keeping in touch. There are several ways to stay informed of scheduled events:
- Website ~ http://sites.google.com/site/notlobmusic
- Mail list ~ http://groups.google.com/group/notlobmusic
- Blog ~ http://notlobmusic.blogspot.com
- Facebook ~ notloB Folk Concerts ~ http://www.facebook.com/notloBFolkConcerts
- Email questions to notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Volunteering / Street team. This is a 100% volunteer-run effort. Concerts would not be possible without volunteer assistance. All interested in helping can read the Volunteer Policy. “Guerilla” publicity builds community by spreading the word to family, friends and neighbors. Posting flyers in your neighborhood music shops, book stores, coffee shops and workplace is appreciated. If interested, please send an email to notlobreservations@gmail.com
Admission is by suggested minimum donation. A suggested minimum donation (varies by concert), often with discount to those making reservations and sometimes to students and seniors, is requested. Your donations cover venue rental, sound system rental, sound engineer, publicity and other production expenses. 100% of the balance goes to the artists (many of whom travel many miles). Sometimes there are shortfalls, so extra donations are gladly accepted. If you cannot afford the suggested donation amount, consider volunteering!
Photography, video recording, & sound recording. No still, video or sound recording is permitted without permission of the artist and the house. If you would like to share photos of past concerts, email the pictures and/or web link to notlobreservations@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting live acoustic music!
notloB Folk Concerts