notloB News
time MARCHes on
Since June 2, 2007, notloB Folk Concerts has presented close to 100 old-time, blue/newgrass, folk, Celtic and acoustic blues artists to audiences throughout the greater Boston area. Our current venues are the historic Loring-Greenough House (built in 1760, 40 intimate seats, unplugged) in Jamaica Plain and the 175 seat Unity, near Davis Square in Somerville. The concerts are volunteer-run and not for profit. 100% of the patron donations go to the artists and production expenses.
"The concerts always have a warm atmosphere and are fun to play. From a musician's perspective, I really appreciate the effort Jeff puts into his shows. Nobody on the Boston folk scene works harder to pull a concert together."
~ Alastair Moock
"In this era of pop-driven acoustic music, notloB is keeping the folk tradition alive."
~ Jack Hardy
In this edition
- Thank you for supporting live music
- Upcoming concerts
- Other live music recommendations
- Dinner and a show
- Volunteering
- Turn your radio on!
- Housekeeping
notloB Folk Concerts is unique in the greater Boston area in terms of the model (admission is by suggested donation, all proceeds, less production costs, go to the artists). The series would not be possible without the support of our loyal patrons and volunteers. Join us and bBring a friend or two or three to an upcoming concert!
Katie McNally & Eric McDonald
Loring-Greenough House, Jamaica Plain
Friday, March 2, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Loring-Greenough House, Jamaica Plain
Friday, March 2, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
notloB Folk Concerts is pleased to welcome back two alumni, Eric McDonald (who on 11/2/07 opened for and so impressed the Rowan Brothers they invited him to sit in for most of their set) & Katie McNally, who initiated notloB's series at the Jackson Homestead (5/16/09).
Katie McNally and Eric McDonald found each other in high school as like minded musicians in the Boston traditional music scene. Both sought to functionally push the envelope of traditional music, using original music and modern sensibilty to add new color to the familiar style of tunes that have been passed down for generations. Over the years and many impromptu musical moments, this musical relationship congealed into a cohesive unit. Now the music, while based heavily in the Scottish tradition, is infused with influences from two diverse and educated musical backgrounds, where carefully arranged traditional pieces seamlessly give way to original compositions. Having always been two of the busiest players around, these two have amassed a reputable list of experience, currently including the scottish powerhouse Cantrip (McDonald) and the fiddle supergroup Childsplay (McNally). This practiced musicianship shines in the melodic texture and murky tones that linger long after a McNally/McDonald performance.
Suggested donation $12 at the door; $10 if reservation is made at least 24 hours in advance and to Loring-Greenough museum members. Plus $1 preservation fee.
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00
Reservations - notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Pastries from Fiore's
Coffee from JP Licks
Katie McNally and Eric McDonald found each other in high school as like minded musicians in the Boston traditional music scene. Both sought to functionally push the envelope of traditional music, using original music and modern sensibilty to add new color to the familiar style of tunes that have been passed down for generations. Over the years and many impromptu musical moments, this musical relationship congealed into a cohesive unit. Now the music, while based heavily in the Scottish tradition, is infused with influences from two diverse and educated musical backgrounds, where carefully arranged traditional pieces seamlessly give way to original compositions. Having always been two of the busiest players around, these two have amassed a reputable list of experience, currently including the scottish powerhouse Cantrip (McDonald) and the fiddle supergroup Childsplay (McNally). This practiced musicianship shines in the melodic texture and murky tones that linger long after a McNally/McDonald performance.
Suggested donation $12 at the door; $10 if reservation is made at least 24 hours in advance and to Loring-Greenough museum members. Plus $1 preservation fee.
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00
Reservations - notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Pastries from Fiore's
Coffee from JP Licks
Darol Anger and Emy Phelps with very special guest Sharon Gilchrist
Loring-Greenough House, Jamaica Plain
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00pm
On Thursday, April 12, notloB Folk Concerts will be pleased to present at the historic Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain Darol Anger and Emy Phelps, with special guest Sharon Gilchrist. Having jammed with Rushad Eggleston at his third notloB concert, this will be Darol's first feature notloB performance.
Sharon Gilchrist originally hails from Southlake, Texas. She has performed with a long list of artists - the Peter Rowan and Tony Rice Quartet, Uncle Earl, The Santa Fe All-Stars, the Bill Hearne Trio and Mary & Mars, to name a few. She is currently based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico where she teaches private mandolin lessons at Santa Fe String Studios and is on staff as a mandolin teacher at the College of Santa Fe. Sharon received a Bachelor's Degree in Mandolin Performance from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. While in Nashville, she spent time playing upright bass with several singer-songwriters in the indie-rock scene such as Josh Rouse, Rebecca Stout and Jennifer Niceley. She also served as musical director and composer for the modern art collective, DddD.
Suggested donation $20 at the door; $15 if reservation is made at least 24 hours in advance and to Loring-Greenough museum members. Plus $1 preservation fee.
Doors 7:30, Concert 8:00
Room capacity is 40, reservations are strongly recommended - notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Pastries from Fiore's
Coffee from JP Licks
See the website for artist biographies and full details.
Friday, March 23, 2012 notloB is assisting the New England Folk Festival Association produce a Pre-New England Folk Festival Music Showcase at Unity in Somerville, featuring Lynn Noel - solo voice/group sing,Marylou Ferrante - pre-war blues, Wear My Letter - old-time & Corvus – Celtic. Showcase information at
Friday, April 20, Lord Geoffrey and Dr. Pearne present Paul Geremia & Jaime Brockett at Unity Somerville. More information at
Friday, April 20 through Sunday, April 22, the 68th annual New England Folk Festival. From the press release, “When NEFFA says “folk” it means “folk”. “The general public often confuses “contemporary” singer-songwriter music with folk music, NEFFA presents the real deal, the kind of music and dance that has been handed down from generation to generation…” More information at
4. DINNER AND A SHOW. Somerville concert patrons can save 10% when dining at the House of Tibet Kitchen, 235 Holland Street, 617-629-7567 (in nearby Teele Square). Simply make a concert reservation, print and bring your confirmation email and show it to restaurant staff. Please tip at the pre-discount rate. Before being seated please identify yourself to the staff as attending the “notloB concert”.
At the Loring Greenough House ~ publicity, hospitality and set-up/take-down.
At Unity ~ admission table, merchandise, hospitality & lighting.
At all venues ~ publicity & flyer/handbill duplication and distribution.
If you are interested, please read the volunteer policy and apply via email to notlobreservations at gmail dot com
notloB’s Jeff Boudreau co-hosts and produces “In the Tradition”, every otherTuesday, 7-9pm, WCUW-fm, broadcasting at 91.3fm and streaming at
Facebook fan page -
Upcoming radio guest schedule:
3/6 ~ A Tribute to John Studebaker "Jack" Hardy
3/6 ~ A Tribute to John Studebaker "Jack" Hardy
3/20 ~ Kristin Andreassen & NEFFA preview, part 1
4/3 ~ Matt Robert Live in Studio & NEFFA preview, part 2
4/17 ~ Artists of the 68th annual New England Folk Festival, part 3
5/1 ~ Scott Alarik live in studio
7. HOUSEKEEPING. notloB Folk Concerts’ past artists include the Spider John Koerner, the Sacred Shakers, The Folk Brothers (David Massengill and the late Jack Hardy), Peggy Seeger, Geoff Bartley, Mary McCaslin, Bob Franke, The Rowan Brothers, The Ungar Family Band, Aoife O’Donovan, Kristin Andraessen, Mike and Ruthy Ungar Merenda, Sometymes Why, Pat Wictor, Jud Caswell, Dennis Brennan and many others. Concerts in your own home, as was done for the Bowman and Matt Brown, can be arranged.
Reservations / information. Sending a reservation request is appreciated. It also helps as we can contact you when the occasional concert must be canceled due to severe weather. Please send an email tonotlobreservations at gmail dot com at least 24 hours prior to the concert. Information about the concert series, the venues and the artists can be found at the website.
Keeping in touch. There are several ways to stay informed of scheduled events:
- Website ~
notlobmusic - Mail list ~
group/notlobmusic - Blog ~ http://notlobmusic.blogspot.
com - Facebook ~ notloB Folk Concerts ~
notloBFolkConcerts - Email questions to notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Admission is by suggested minimum donation. A suggested minimum donation (varies by concert), often with discount to those making reservations and sometimes to students and seniors, is requested. Your donations cover venue rental, sound system rental, sound engineer, publicity and other production expenses. 100% of the balance goes to the artists (many of whom travel many miles). Sometimes there are shortfalls, so extra donations are gladly accepted. If you cannot afford the suggested donation amount, consider volunteering! And please, no credit cards or checks, cash is appreciated.
Photography, video recording, & sound recording. No still, video or sound recording is permitted without permission of the artist and the house. If you would like to share photos of past concerts, email the pictures and/or web link to notlobreservations at gmail dot com
Thank you for supporting live acoustic music!
notloB Folk Concerts