If you are an artist who receives grant money from a local cultural council, or an arts patron who attend MCC-supported events, you will want to heed MassCreative's advice.
www.mass-creative.org Jeffrey -- The House will be voting TODAY on the proposed budget released earlier this month by the House Ways and Means Committee.
News reports suggest that lawmakers will vote on a measure that puts the budget for arts and culture at $8 million. This is a 27% cut from the current investment of $11.1 million and will surely result in reductions or outright elimination of arts and cultural programming in communities across the Commonwealth.
Please call your House Representative NOW (the vote is expected to happen at noon) urging him/her to support funding for the arts at $16 million. They can do this by fully supporting Rep. Cory Atkins’ amendment on the House floor to fund the Massachusetts Cultural Council at $16 million. Find your House Representative's phone number here. You can search for your House Representative by town and zip here.
A super-majority of 113 House Representatives have already signed on to Rep. Atkins’ amendment #357. But ALL lawmakers need to hear from constituents TODAY. Call now to ask your House Representative to stand up for the creative community on the House floor by supporting Rep Atkins' amendment to fund the Massachusetts Cultural Council at $16 million.
Help spread the word to your colleagues, supporters, friends, and family: Send an email to your colleagues and supporters. See our sample. Post on social media. See our samples. Check out our fact sheet to help make your case.
Keep up the good work,

Matt Wilson, MASSCreative http://www.mass-creative.org/ |
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