![Green & blue logo]()
Robin Blecher Celtic Arts, Inc.
a.k.a. Music for Robin
Celtic Calendar 2/22/10 |
I was hospitalized with a transient Ischemic Attack and missed keeping the calendar up. But I am back compiling the Calendar. Billie Hockett |
++ indicates not Celtic
Next MFR concert & dance Saturday, April. 10, 2010 - Jaerv from Sweden
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ February 2010 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
M 02/22 8.00 Sarah Mcquaid, $15/$13 Members - Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge, MA, (617)492-7679
Tu 2/23 6:30 Sarah Mcquaid (Mostly Trad, Irish) $15 - Music By The Bay, House Concert, Assonet, MA, (508)644-2331 G1martin@Umassd.Eduhttp://www.Musicbythebay.Org/, www.Saramcquaid.Com
W 02/24 8:00 Sarah Mcquaid Concert $15 - Elysium Arts Folk Club, (Dadgad Guitar Workshop At 4:30 $25) - 3 Front Street, Lower Mill At Salmon Falls, Rollinsford , NH (603)743-4700, http://www.sarahmcquaid.com/
W 02/24 7:30 David Surette Blue solo concert, 9:00: Irish session - 650A Congress St. Portland ME www.portcityblue.com
W 02/24 Noon VSA Arts of Rhode Island Exhibit with Atwater-Donnelly Duo 12-1, FREE - Atrium Gallery, One Capitol Hill, Smith St, Providence, RI, (401) 725-0247, programs@vsartsri.org, www.vsartsri.org
Th 02/25 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Center For Cultural Exchange, 1 Longfellow Sq, Portland, Me. (207)761-0591, (207)761-1757, Box Office: (761)1545, Portarts@Maine.Rr.Com
Th 02/25 6:30 Sarah McQuaid, 6:30: pot-luck, 7:30: concert - notfarG House Concert, Grafton, MA, reservations required: notlobreservations@gmail.com,http://notlobmusic.googlepages.com
F 02/26 Solas $28 - Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Sq, Somerville, MA www.solasmusic.com/site
F 02/26 Tri w/Joe Cormier Family & Friends (Cape Breton) - Old Sloop Coffee
First Congregational Church, 12 School St., Rockport, MA, (978)546-3551,www.triceol.com
F 02/26 7:30 Irish Music & Stories Kevin Farley (www.irishmusicguy.com) Refreshments $12, Seniors & students: $9. $1 less in advance. - Town Hall, 78 Main St,. Hudson, MA. , Snow date: 2/27. (978)562-1646 or visitwww.upwitharts.org
Sa 02/27 7:30 Atwater-Donnelly Duo $15 - Stone Church Coffee House, First Congregational Church, 280 High St., Bristol, RI, (401)253-4813, Dubordrjd@Cox.Net, www.Fccbristol.Org
Sa 02/27 7:00 Solas, Adv $22.50, Door $25 - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.Iheg.com/
Sa 02/27 Cherish The Ladies - Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center Theater, 14 Castle St, Great Barrington, MA, (413)528-6415, Tix: (413)528-0100,www.Mahaiwe.Org
Sa 02/27 Betty & Kinnon Beaton - Park Avenue Church, Arlington, Scottish Fiddle Club, (617)338-8637 www.Bsfc.Org
Sa 02/27 8:00 Susie Burke & David Surette, Linda Schrade & Dave Kiphuth (vocals, guitar, banjo) $12 ++ Elysium Arts Folk Club, Lower Mills, Salmon Falls, Rollinsford, NH, www.elysiumarts.com/folkclub/
Sa 02/27 8:00 Ken Perlman & Alan Jabbour(Appalachian "old-timey" fiddle/banjo) $10 ++
DelRossi's Trattoria, Rt. 137N PO Box 337, Dublin NH Reservations: (603)563-7195, www.alanjabbour.com, www.kenperlman.com/ensembles.htm.
Su 02/28 7:30 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Union Hall Coffeehouse, 27 School Street. Carlisle, MA, (978)287-5745
Su 02/28 2:00 Cherish The Ladies $25-$10 - Regis College, 235 Wellesley St., Weston, MA, (781)768-7000, www.Regiscollege.Edu
Su 02/28 4:30 Triple Spiral (new band w/Ray Price) - Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge, MA, (617)492-7679, www.passimcenter.org
Su 02/28 noon Cape Breton Fiddle & Piano Workshops
4:00 Concert
with Kimberley Fraser and Troy MacGillivray. - Arlington, MA, Reservations are required - space is limited - first come, first served. Contact Barbara McOwen at781-648-3955 or bmcowen doink
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ March - End Of 2010 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Th 03/04 7:30 Aubrey Atwater Solo $10 - Windsor Art Center "First Thursday" Series, 40 Mechanic St., Windsor, CT, (860)688-2528,www.Windsorartcenter.Org,
F 03/05 8:00 Pendragon, $15.00/$17.00 - Narrows Center for the Arts, 16 Anawan Street, Fall River, MA (508)324-1926 ncfta.org
F 03/05 March Mandolin Festival concert w/Mike Compton, Will Patton, Glen Loper, and David Surette, guest Susie Burke - Stone Church Music Club, Zion's Hill, Newmarket, NH www.thestonechurch.com, (603)292.3546
F 03/05 8:00 Foster & Allen w/ Pauline Wells & Dervi, Woods School dancers $30, $25 - Freeport Hall, 256 Freeport St, Dorchester, MAm (81)534-3919
F 03/05 8:00 Beppe Gambetta, (Italy, Master Guitarist) $14 ++ Delrossi's Trattoria, Rt. 137n, Po Box 337, Dublin, NH, 03444 (603) 563-7195 Contact@Delrossi.Com http://www.Delrossi.com/ Elaina Delrossi 8:30
F 03/5-7 Foster & Allen (from Ireland) jokes & laughter - Freeport Hall, Dorchester (781)534-3919, www.sharocknation.org
F- 3/5-7 Eighth Annual Mandolin Festival w/Mike Compton, Will Patton, Glen Loper, David Surette, & guest Susie Burke (group lessons, workshops, jam sessions, evening concert), 3/5 Concert Stone Church, NewMarket, NH (separate ticket). ++ Concord Community Music School, Concord, NH, Registration: $110, Check to: Concord Community Music School, 23 Wall St., Concord, NH, For Lodging: (207)384-8151, (603)228-1196 (Music School) emailsoozendave@surfglobal.net. (207)384-8151, www.BurkeSurette.com,www.MySpace.com/BurkeSurette
Tu 03/06 7:30 Sarah Mcquaid - The Iron Horse Concert Hall, 315 S Main St.(316)321-6348, http://Shorock.com/Ironhorse, http://www.sarahmcquaid.com/
Tu 03/06 Altan $28 - Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Sq, Somerville, MA
Sa 03/06 7:30 March Mandolin Festival concert w/ Mike Compton, Will Patton, Glen Loper, David Surette, guest Susie Burke - Concord Community Music School, Concord NH, tix & info: (603)228-1196, www.BurkeSurette.com
Sa 03/06 07:00 Enter The Haggis (Celtic-rock quintet) - Pearl Street, 10 Pearl St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-7771, (413)586-8686, http://www.Iheg.com/
Sa- 3/6 8:00 Foster & Allen w/Dennis O'Gorman, Woods School dancers $30, $25 - Freeport Hall,
3/7 3:00 256 Freeport St, Dorchester, MA (81)534-3919, http://shamrocknation.com
Sa 03/06 7:30 Michael O'Leary w/ Steve Levy - Irish Heritage House Concert Series - Dorchester, MA - $10 - Info & reservations: Mairín Uí Chéide,(617)288.8047, mairinguicheide@hotmail.com
Su 03/07 7:30 The Short Sisters $15, discounts for members, seniors, children - Woods Hole Folk Music Society, 68 Water St, Woods Hole.http://www.arts-cape.com/whfolkmusic/
Su 03/07 4:00 "There's a Meeting Here Tonight!" Revels touring ensemble presents a musical theater production about the Hutchinson Family Singers, America's first social activist performers. Set after the Civil War, songs, dances, stories of the period. Appropriate for adults and children, age six & up. - Revels Repertory Company, Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown, MA(617)972-8300, http://www.Revels.Org, Revinc@Revels.Org
Su 03/07 3:00 The Art of the Bow w/Beth Bahia Cohen, (Many stringed instruments & styles), Todd Roach (riqq, dumbek, frame drum), Mac Ritchey (oud, laouto, saz) FREE ++ Distler Hall, Granoff Music Center, Tufts U., 20 Talbot Ave, Medford, MA
M 03/08 8:00 "Tribute to Gaelic Roots" performers TBA - BCMFest Celtic Music Monday, Club Passim, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA, Ticket info:www.clubpassim.org
M 03/08 8:00 Tribute to Gaelic Roots w/Seamus Connolly, Aoife Clancy, Brendan Bulger, Jimmy Noonan, Laurel Martin, Mark Simos, Kate Chadbourne $12, Passim members: $6 - Club Passim, 47 Palmer St., Harvard Sq, Cambridge, MA., Admission $12, $6 for members of Passim, WGBH and WUMB, Reservations/information at http://clubpassim.org
Tu 03/09 07:00 Altan - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.Iheg.com/, http://www.Zoedarrow.com/
Tu 03/09 7:00 Kevin Crawford, Cillian Vallely, guitarist to be named, (Irish instrumental music on flute and uilleann pipes) Donation $20
http://www.myspace.com/crawfordvallelymusic, Music By The Bay, House Concert, Assonet, MA, (508)644-2331 G1martin@Umassd.Eduhttp://www.Musicbythebay.Org/
F 03/12 8:00 Yankee Notions, Traditional & Contemporary Music of New England, Jim Douglas (Vocals, Guitar, Concertina), Tim Van Egmond (Vocals, Hammered Dulcimer, Pennywhistle, Limberjack) ++ Westford Folk Concerts, 2 Boston Rd, Or Parish Center For The Arts, 10 Lincoln St. (One Block Apart) $15, Members: $11, Teens: $5, Under 12: Free
F 03/12 07:00 Grada based in Ireland, began playing together in 2001 - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.iheg.com/
Sa 03/13 Battlefield Band - Chocolate Church, 798 Washington Street, Bath, ME, (207) 442-8455, www.Chocolatechurcharts.Org
Sa 03/13 7:30 Kate Chadbourne, Eddie Dee & Howie Rashba "Irishy Music" no cover charge, restaurant food, liquor - The Java Room, 14 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA, (978)256-0001, www.thejavaroom.com
Sa 03/13 7:00 Celtic Music Night (Irish, Scottish, Music, Dance),
After show, performers talk about bagpipe & drum lessons. Admission, before March 7: $10, door: $12 door, 6-12 years: $6, under 6 free - presented by Highland Light Scottish Pipe Band, West Villages Elementary School Auditorium, 760 Osterville, W. Barnstable Rd, Marstons Mills, MA, Info: (508)947-4383, mgr@HighlandLight.com
Sa 3/13 7:30 J J Chaisson & Friends - The Captain Charles Leonard House, 663 Main St,
3/14 2:00 Agawam..MA, $14 Reserved Or $18 At The Door..Call 413-789-9267, Msullgreen@Gmail.Com
Sa 03/13 7:00 Balkan Music Night Concert, 9pm dance, Tickets:http://www.facone.org/programs/program/balkanight_tix/balkanight_tix.htm.) will be mailed. ++ Friends of the Performing Arts (FOPAC), 51 Walden St, Concord, MA. Concert: http://www.facone.org/programs/program/balkanight.htm
Su 03/014 7:00 Pendragon, $15.00 - Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland, RI, (401)725-9272, www.riverfolk.org
Su 03/014 4-10 Tin Can Hooley (trad. Irish) features Larkin Brigade, 4-6PM: children OK, no cver - Common Ground, 83 Harvard Ave, Allston, MA,www.myspace.com/tincanhooley
M 03/15 Battlefield Band - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.iheg.com/
Tu 03/16 8:00 Black 47, Showcase Live - 40 South Street, Foxborough, MA
Tu 03/16 9:00 Shamus Pender (Irish) $10 - Stevens Memorial Library, 20 Memorial Dr, Ashburnham, MA (978)827-4115 http://www.ashburnhamlibrary.org/
W 03/17 07:00 Zoe Darrow And The Fiddleheads, St. Patricks Day Show (Trad. Cape Breton, Scottish, Irish Fiddle Tunes) - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.Iheg.com/,http://www.Zoedarrow.com/
W 03/17 2-11 Shamus Pender - Owen & Ollies Pub and Restaurant, 91 Mill St., Dracut, MA (978)957-4400, http://www.owenandollies.com/
W 03/17 1-3 Michael O'Leary w/Rob Huffman, songs 'n tunes - The Bull Run Restaurant, 215 Great Rd./Rt. 2A, Shirley, MA - No Cover (978)425.4311,www.bullrunrestaurant.com
W 03/17 Tri w/Joe Cormier Family & Friends (Cape Breton) - The Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston, MA, (617)423-0069, www.beehiveboston.com,www.triceol.com
Th 03/18 7:30 Dervish - Millard Auditorium, Celtic Airs, U. Hartford, 200 W. Bloomfield Ave, W. Hartford, CT, Tickets: 1-800-274-8587; 1-860-768-4228;www.hartford.edu/hartt
Th 03/18 6:30 Kimberley Fraser, Troy MacGillivray,Cape Breton Dance FREE - Connolly House, Boston College Campus, 300 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill, MA,(617)552-3938, irish@bc.edu
Sa 03/20 3:00 Spring Sing (Revels, Inc.) Revels hosts a celebration of spring. George Emlen, will lead singing, with soloists, a folk band, & children from the Spring Workshop, refreshments. - Revels, St. John's Church 80 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, MA
(617)972-8300, http://www.Revels.Org, Info@Revels.Org
Sa 03/20 8:00 Adrian Legg (Fingerstyle Guitar) ++ Center For Arts In Natick, 14 Summer St, Natick, MA, Info@Natickarts.Org, http://www.Natickarts.Org
Sa 03/20 8:00 The Makem And Spain Brothers $25 - Bristol Elder Services, Bristol Community College Arts Center, 777 Elsbree St, Fall River, MA, Tickets & Info: (508) 675-2101, www.Bristolelder.Org, www.Makem.Com
Sa 03/20 8:00 Susie Burke & David Surette, David Roth(singer/songwriter) $12 ++ Elysium Arts Folk Club, Lower Mills at Salmon Falls, Rollinsford, NH,(207)384-8151, www.elysiumarts.com/folkclub/, www.BurkeSurette.com
Sa 03/20 3:00 Spring Sing (Revels, Inc.) Revels hosts a celebration of spring. George Emlen, will lead singing, with soloists, a folk band, & children from the Spring Workshop, refreshments. - Revels, St. John's Church 80 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, MA
(617)972-8300 , http://www.Revels.Org, Revinc@Revels.Org
Su 03/21 3:00 Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy(fiddle masters) - World Music, Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy ST, Cambridge, MA, (617)876-4275,www.worldmusic.org
Su 03/21 7:30 Kimberley Fraser & Troy MacGillivray $15, discounts for members, seniors, children - Woods Hole Folk Music Society, 68 Water St, Woods Hole, http://www.arts-cape.com/whfolkmusic/.
Su 03/21 Tri w/Joe Cormier Family & Friends (Cape Breton) - The Thomas Crane Library, 40 Washington St, Quincy, MA, (617)376-1301 www.triceol.com
Sa 03/27 7-9:30 Stewart Highland Pipe Band Annual Spring Concert w/Tri - Chelmsford Performing Arts Center, 200 Richardson Rd. N. Chelmsford, MA
(978)726-4386, baystatepipers@yahoo.com
W 03/24 7:30 Michael O'Leary hosts an Irish seisiun of songs 'n tunes for the Folk Arts Center's monthly Jam Session, Free - Peacuddy's Café & Bakery, 506 Franklin St., Melrose, MA, www.facone.org/programs/program/sessions.htm
Th 03/25 Cindy Kallett, Grey Larsen, Songs/Tunes from Ireland, New England, Appalachia, Scandinavia FREE - Connolly House, Boston College Campus, 300 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill, MA, (617)552-3938, irish@bc.edu
F 03/26 07:00 Maura O'Connell - Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.Iheg.com/
Sa 03/27 8:00 Awater-Donnelly Duo $15 - The Vanilla Bean, Rtes. 44,169, & 97, Pomfret, CT, (860) 928-1562, www.Thevanillabeancafe.Com
Sa 03/27 8:00 Kimberley Fraser & Troy Macgillivray, Matt & Shannon Heaton, $15.00 - Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland, RI, (401) 725-9272,www.riverfolk.Org
Sa 03/27 7-9:30 Stuart Highlander's Pipe Band Annual Benefit Concert - Chelmsford Performing Arts Center, 200 Richardson Rd. North Chelmsford, MA, (97)726-4386, http://Stuarthighlanders.com/Index.Php/Component/Simplecalendar/?Controller=Simplecalendar&View=Detail&Id=8 (Check For Updates 11/10/09)
Sa 03/27 8:00 Atwater-Donnelly Duo $15 - The Vanilla Bean, Rtes. 44 ,169 , & 97, Pomfret, CT, (860)928-1562, www.thevanillabeancafe.com
Su 03/28 2:30-4 Awater-Donnelly Duo Free - Jamestown Philomenian Library, 26 North Road, Jamestown, RI, (401)423-7280, www.Jamestownri.com/Library/
M 03/28 4:00 "There's a Meeting Here Tonight!" Revels touring ensemble, musical theater about the Hutchinson Family Singers, America's first social activist performers. Set after the Civil War, songs, dances, stories of the period. Appropriate for adults & children, age six & up ++ Revels Repertory Company, Old Ship Church Hingham, MA, www.oldshipchurch.org, (617)972-8300 ,http://www.Revels.Org, Revinc@Revels.Org
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ April 2010 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Th 04/01 7:00 Cindy Kallet, Ellen Epstein & Michael Cicone,(Three part harmony vocals w/guitars, hammered dulcimer, fiddle) Refreshments at 6:30
Donation $12-$20 sliding scale ++ http://www.cindykallet.com/pages/page1, Music By The Bay, House Concert, Assonet, MA, (508)644-2331 G1martin@Umassd.Edu http://www.Musicbythebay.Org/
F 04/02 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Strand Theatre, 345 Main St, Rockland, ME, (207)594-0070, www.Rocklandstrand.Com
Sa 04/03 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Stone Mountain Arts Center Brownfield, ME, (866)227-6523, http://www.Stonemountainartscenter.com/Artscenter/Index.Html
Su 04/04 7:30 Aoife Clancy $15, discounts for members, seniors, children - Woods Hole Folk Music Society, 68 Water St, Woods Hole. http://www.arts-cape.com/whfolkmusic/
Th 4/08 6:30 Chulrua: Paddy O'Brien (accordion), Pat Egan (guitar, vocals), guest Dale Russ (fiddle) FREE - Connolly House, Boston College Campus, 300 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill, MA, (617)552-3938, irish@bc.edu
F 04/09 8:00 Spider John Koerner w/ Brendan Hogan opening [Folk Acoustic] $20 (Stu/Sen $19, Mem $17) - Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis St, Framingham, MA, Tix/Info: (508)405-ARTS www.amazingthings.org http://www.mwt.net/~koerner/
F 04/09 8:00 Matching Orange With Blue Moose And The Unbuttoned Zippers, Originals And Old Favorites Played In New Ways. - Westford Folk Concerts, 2 Boston Rd, Or Parish Center For The Arts, 10 Lincoln St. (One Block Apart) $15, Members: $11, Teens: $5, Under 12: Free
F 04/10 8:00 Gordon Bok (Possible Guest Carol Rohl) Songs Of The Sea Schooners, Fishes, Fishermen, Plus Mythical Sea Folk, Seals And Selkies $15 - Uni Coffeehouse, Uu Society Meetinghouse, 245 Porter Lake Dr, Springfield, MA, (413)562-3990, www.Unicoffeehouse.Org
Sa 04/10 8:00 Chulrua: Paddy O'Brien (accordion), Pat Egan (guitar, vocals), guest Dale Russ (fiddle), $12 - Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland, RI, (401)725-9272, www.riverfolk.org
Su 04/11 7:00 Jaerv Swedish music, $12 adv/$15 door ++ Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland, RI, (401)725-9272, www.riverfolk.org
M 04/12 8:00 "Two Threes" W/Matching Orange, The Paper Star Trio - BCMFest Celtic Music Monday, Club Passim, Harvard Sq, Cambridge, MA. Ticket info: www.clubpassim.org
F 04/16 Flynn Cohen, Irish Traditional Music Workshop- Mandolin/Banjo - J.P.O'hanlon's, 9 Main St, Ayer, MA, (978)772-9282 Roisin@Jpohanlons.Comwww.Jpohanlons.Com
F 04/16 8:00 Gaelic Storm (Celtic/World music genre) - Calvin Theater, 19 King St, Northampton, MA, (413)586-8686, http://www.Iheg.com/Calvin_theater_main.Asp
F 04/16 8:00 Tempest, $12.00/$14.00 - Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland, RI, (401)725-9272, www.riverfolk.org
Sa 04/17 7:30 Zoe Darrow & The Fiddle Heads - The Captain Charles Leonard House, 663 Main St, Agawam..MA, $14 Reserved Or $18 At The Door..Call413-789-9267, Msullgreen@Gmail.Com
Sa 04/17 Lunasa $28 - Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Sq, Somerville, MA
Su 04/18 Awater-Donnelly W/Pendragon And The Miller Family Trio (Benefit) - The Blackstone River Theatre, Cumberland, RI, More Info Tba
Su 04/18 7:00 Neil Innes (English Writer, Collaborative Work With Monty Python) ++ Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton, MA, (413)584-0610 http://www.Iheg.com/
Su 04/18 7:30 Martyn Wyndham-Read $15, discounts for members, seniors, children - Woods Hole Folk Music Society, 68 Water St, Woods Hole,http://www.arts-cape.com/whfolkmusic/
M 04/21 Trì (Matt Phelps, Doug Lamey, Cliff McGann) - Blue, 650A Congress St. Portland, ME, http://www.portcityblue.com
F 04/23 8:00 The Wailin' Jennys (Played At Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow, Scotland) - Calvin Theatre, 19 King St, Northampton, MA, (413)586-8686, http://www.Iheg.com/Calvin_theater_main.Asp
Th 04/23 Tri w/Joe Cormier Family & Friends (Cape Breton) - Chelmsford Performing Arts Center, 200 Richardson Rd. N. Chelmsford, MA, (978)726-4386,www.triceol.com
Sa 4/24 7:30 Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill - Wilde Auditorium, University Of Hartford (800)274-8587, (860)768-4228, www.Hartford.Edu/Hart
F 04/24 Tri w/Joe Cormier Family & Friends (Cape Breton) "Play it Forward" -
Collins Center-Performing Arts, 80 Shawsheen Rd, Andover, MA, (978)623-8642,www.collins-center.com, www.triceol.com
Th 04/29 Matt & Shannon Heaton - Club Passim, 47 Palmer St. in Cambridge, MA, http://www.clubpassim.org/
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ May To End Of 2010 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Sa 05/01 Matt & Shannon Heaton - Elysium Arts Folk Club, Lower Mill, Salmon Falls; Rollinsford, NH, (603)743-4700, http://www.elysiumarts.com/folkclub/
Su 05/02 7:30 Brian Peters $15, discounts for members, seniors, children - Woods Hole Folk Music Society, 68 Water St, Woods Hole, http://www.arts-cape.com/whfolkmusic/
F 05/14 8:00 Tim Farrell (Fingerstyle Guitar) - Westford Folk Concerts, 2 Boston Rd, Or Parish Center For The Arts, 10 Lincoln St. (One Block Apart) $15, Members: $11, Teens: $5, Under 12: Free
Sa 05/15 7:30 The Milliners Portland Maine's New Super Celtic Group - The Captain Charles Leonard House, 663 Main St, Agawam..MA, $14 Reserved Or $18 At The Door..Call 413-789-9267, Msullgreen@Gmail.Com
Sa 05/22 2-3:15 Awater-Donnelly Band(With Cathy Clasper-Torch And Kevin Doyle) Free - Hubbard Room, Russell Library, 123 Broad St, Middletown, RI,(860)347-2528 X171, www.Russelllibrary.Org
F 06/04 Matt & Shannon Heaton,"Long Time Courting" - Notlob concert
F 06/11 8:00 Stephen Webber (Berklee Music Professor), Selected Berklee Music Students, & Friends, $18, Members: $13, Teens: $5, Under 13 Free ++? Parish Center For The Arts - Westford Folk Concerts, 2 Boston Rd, Or Parish Center For The Arts, 10 Lincoln St. (One Block Apart) $15, Members: $11, Teens: $5, Under 12: Free
F 6/11-13 Mystic Seaport Sea Music Festival W/Debra Cowan, More - Mystic Seaport Museum, Rt 27, Mystic, CT, (203)572-0711, Reservations.Desk@Mysticseaport.Org
F- 6/12-20 Alasdair Fraser's Sierra Fiddle Camp - Nevada City, CA, Download Applications NOW. Priority postmark deadline is February 15, 2010, See 8/27
M 06/21 Summers Day Revels, FREE
4:00-6:30 Family Activity Tent for children & families
5:15-7:15 Grand Processional along Fort Point Channel
7:30-9:00 Performances, Demonstrations, both sides of Fort Point Channel
Main Stage performance near Boston Children's Museum
Both sides of Fort Point Channel along HarborWalk by Boston Children's Museum, 300 Congress St, InterContinental Boston, 510 Atlantic Ave, (617)972-8300, Info@Revels.Org http://www.revels.org
F 6/25-27 Old Songs Festival, Folk, Traditional, Celtic, World Music And Dance - Altamont Fairgrounds, Altamont, NY (518)765-2815,http://www.Oldsongs.Org/Festival/
Sa 06/26/10? Western Mass. Highland Games - Plans To Resume Putting On The Festival. Watch Their Web Site As Time Draws Closer, http://Wmhg.Org
Sa- 7/3-4 New Bedford Summerfest, Booked so far: Jake Armerding, Beaucoup Blue, Richard Berman, Andrew Calhoun, Ronny Cox, John Gorka, Jack Hardy, Anne Hills, The Kennedys, Paul McKenna Band, Mustards Retreat, John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Art Tebbetts - New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park. http://www.barrel-of-music.com
Su 07/04 2:00 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas, Outdoor Public Concert - Island Terrace Nursing Home, 57 Long Point Road, Lakeville, MA, (508)947-0151,
Sa- 7/24-31 Alasdair Fraser Skye Fiddle Course - Isle of Skye, Scotland, Registration information available soon, See 8/27
W 7/7-12 Ireland Trip W/Larry Kirwan, Historical/Literary/Political/Musical - Hammond Tours, Call John Hammond (866)486-8772, Mhammond@Hammondtours.Com
F 7/23-25 Falcon Ridge Festival - Performers to Be Announced - Dodds Farm, Hillsdale, NY, www.Falconridgefolk.Com
Sa 7/24 Seamus Kennedy - Bull Run, 215 Great Rd, Rt. 2a, Shirley, MA, (978)425-4311 http://www.Bullrunrestaurant.com/ Bullrun@Bicnet.Net (877)536-7190
Sa- 8/1-7 Alasdair Fraser Fiddle Course - Crisol De Cuerda, Arija, Spain, Registration information available soon, See 8/27
F- 8/27-9/4 Alasdair Fraser Fiddle Course - Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling School, Boulder Creek, CA, Download Applications after JAN 15. Priority postmark deadline is March 1, Click here: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001DcfdIOMFLbmYRVpMFymO2_VrtDU4PnId3_QoledLU-Q8b5SmxGiNVNoOz3CbAPOpOGUpa5MQczuA3shXyD1HBOwBwBw8eCME4GhU5IcN0qmGuZtpbuSbW7WT_-5EWmr_htsdowJc3zfYgZKAZ3CHyz7oZ8kVRvk-0JjtZ2GAqPg5fC9kYeJ8w1XwhVZOJ4xqUpvZOmTuQqwpZQY0hvNwLzxV0ADKhSCHndJNuvgXYBM%3D
F 8/27 7:30 Jim Malcolm $15 - Wilde Auditorium, U.of Hartford, 200 W. Bloomfield Ave, W. Hartford, CT, Tickets: 1-800-274-8587, 1-860-768-4228, on line: www.hartford.edu/hartt
F 10/15/ 7:30 Tommy Sands & Family $20 - Wilde Auditorium, U.of Hartford, 200 W. Bloomfield Ave, W. Hartford, CT, Tickets: 1-800-274-8587, 1-860-768-4228, on line: www.hartford.edu/hartt
F 04/10 8:00 Gordon Bok (Possible Guest Carol Rohl) Songs Of The Sea Schooners, Fishes, Fishermen, Plus Mythical Sea Folk, Seals And Selkies $15 - Uni Coffeehouse, Uu Society Meetinghouse, 245 Porter Lake Dr, Springfield, MA, (413)562-3990, www.Unicoffeehouse.Org
F 10/15/ 7:30 Tommy Sands & Family $20 - Wilde Auditorium, U.of Hartford, 200 W. Bloomfield Ave, W. Hartford, CT, Tickets: 1-800-274-8587, 1-860-768-4228, on line: www.hartford.edu/hartt
F 11/12 8:00 1964: The Tribute, Beatles Tribute Show ++ Calvin Theater, 19 King St, Northampton, MA, (413)586-8686, http://www.Iheg.com/Calvin_theater_main.Asp
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