Going back a week and a half or so, talk on the street that Pat Monteith was out as general manager of "Boston's NPR Music Station'" reached the internet last Thursday, first in "A new era?" in Fans of Former Folk Radio WUMB (Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 2:24pm). The rumor was substantiated in Steve Ide's blog entry titled "WUMB assures listeners that there are no plans to change its folk music format".
In a related development, two sources on the same day reported John Laurenti had moved from WUMB to WODS.
John Laurenti Joins Karen Blake For Mornings On WODS
May 3, 2012 at 7:55 AM (PT)
Due to his AAA pop background, Monteith brough Laurenti to WUMB as music director to manage the transition from "Folk Radio WUMB" to the "music mix" format it adopted when it became Boston's third NPR affiliate.
WUMB operates as a professionally managed and operated station under a broadcast licence granted to UMass Boston.
Conspicuously missing. In Sue Scheible's blog article "
Missing Pat Monteith at WUMB (Quincy Ma Patriot-Ledger, May 4, 2012) we read
But as a folk music friend from Cambridge noted: "By coincidence, I received my printed Member Newsletter today. Previously, there has always been a message from General Manager Pat Montieth on the front page, with news and updates. This time, the message was "from the staff." No mention of Pat anywhere. It seems to me that if she were really retiring, there would be tributes and farewells -- not silence."Indeed, when WUMB produced a tribute to Dick Pleasants at Sanders Theater, there was much hoopla. If Ms. Monteith's career was esteemed by the UMass administration, why was her departure veiled in secrecy and silence?
The following images of wumb.org were made Monday, May 7.

Join Perry Persoff for The Tuesday Morning New Music Test at 7:30 a.m. He’ll play three new songs back to back and you’ll have the chance to vote online for which one you like best! This week he’s got new music from The Nields (in photo), Darrell Scott and more! Click here for more details about these and other WUMB specials this week.
Join Perry Persoff for The Tuesday Morning New Music Test at 7:30 a.m. He’ll play three new songs back to back and you’ll have the chance to vote online for which one you like best! This week he’s got new music from The Nields (in photo), Darrell Scott and more! Click here for more details about these and other WUMB specials this week.
posted 5.7.12

Tickets are now on sale for the WUMB Concert Marathon happening Sunday June 3rd at UMASS Boston. Guy Davis, Tracy Grammer, and Tish Hinojosa will each be performing, and all you need is one ticket! The good news is that WUMB members can get discounted tickets. The bad news is that seats are limited. Click here right now to get yours online, or just call 617-287-6900.
Tickets are now on sale for the WUMB Concert Marathon happening Sunday June 3rd at UMASS Boston. Guy Davis, Tracy Grammer, and Tish Hinojosa will each be performing, and all you need is one ticket! The good news is that WUMB members can get discounted tickets. The bad news is that seats are limited. Click here right now to get yours online, or just call 617-287-6900.
posted 5.7.12

We were lucky to have Kate Campbell as our special guest for our most recent WUMB Member Concert, and it was an amazing night of music and stories. If you were there and want to relive it, or if you missed it and want to pretend like you were there, just make sure to join us tomorrow night at 6:30! Click here to take a look at all the musical stuff this week.
We were lucky to have Kate Campbell as our special guest for our most recent WUMB Member Concert, and it was an amazing night of music and stories. If you were there and want to relive it, or if you missed it and want to pretend like you were there, just make sure to join us tomorrow night at 6:30! Click here to take a look at all the musical stuff this week.
posted 5.7.12

When you can get amazing deals and find things you just can't get anywhere else, PLUS it helps keep great music coming out of your radio... THAT'S mutually beneficial. And that's exactly what the WUMB Online Auction is all about! make sure to KEEP checking the auction, because we keep adding to it, 100% of the proceeds go to help us keep on keeping on. Click here to bid!
When you can get amazing deals and find things you just can't get anywhere else, PLUS it helps keep great music coming out of your radio... THAT'S mutually beneficial. And that's exactly what the WUMB Online Auction is all about! make sure to KEEP checking the auction, because we keep adding to it, 100% of the proceeds go to help us keep on keeping on. Click here to bid!
posted 4.23.12

WUMB and other public radio music stations nationwide are celebrating the role we play in preserving, cultivating and promoting music. You can find out more about Public Radio Music Month and the rich history WUMB has had with music discovery and preservation over the past 30 years here - including the first-ever radio interview that Tracy Chapman ever did.
WUMB and other public radio music stations nationwide are celebrating the role we play in preserving, cultivating and promoting music. You can find out more about Public Radio Music Month and the rich history WUMB has had with music discovery and preservation over the past 30 years here - including the first-ever radio interview that Tracy Chapman ever did.
posted 4.22.12

Have you ever heard a song on WUMB and didn't have time to write down the name of the artist or CD title? This information is now available for all locally-produced shows on our new Playlist Archives page - just minutes, or weeks after a song is played. Check out the Web page here.
Have you ever heard a song on WUMB and didn't have time to write down the name of the artist or CD title? This information is now available for all locally-produced shows on our new Playlist Archives page - just minutes, or weeks after a song is played. Check out the Web page here.
posted 2.10.12
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